Getting Started
Install the Referd Android SDK into your app
Referd's Android SDK enables you to use the show Referd user profile in your app, track app user events, integrate referrals and display Referd's in-app push notifications.
Setting up Referd SDK
Follow the below steps to start installing Referd's Android SDK to your app.
Add JitPack repository to your project's build.gradle (or settings.gradle if you're on newer versions) file.
Add the following dependency to the application's build.gradle file to import Referd's SDK into your project.
Make sure that you added the INTERNET permission in your application's AndroidManifest.xml file as follows:
To install Firebase Google Play Services dependencies
The SDK uses Firebase Dynamic Links to track referrals and Firebase Messaging for sending push notifications, you'll need to add the following dependencies.
For the latest Firebase SDK (BOM, Cloud Messaging, Deep Links, and Google Services) versions check their release notes.
You also need to add google-services plugin to your application.
App's build.gradle file:
Project's build.gradle file:
Don't forget to include your google-services.json to your app root after registering it to a Firebase project.
Follow this tutorial to learn more on how to register your Android application to Firebase.
Initialize Refer SDK
Create a GameballApp instance
o create a GameballApp instance you need to call the getInstance method and pass it a Context instance of the current Activity holding the GameballApp.
Initialize GameballApp Instance
To initialize GameballApp instance in your application class, use the init method which takes the following parameters:
Client API key
Your platform language preference to view Referd Widget with.
Note: The language provided should be as per configured languages in your account. If not provided the Referd profile widget will be shown with your account default language
Example: "en"
, "fr"
Initialize Firebase Push Notifications
To be able to use Firebase Push Notifications feature through Referd you'd need to first initialize firebase device token by calling the following method right after the init method or before the registration of the user.
Last updated